Fans Across The Globe Are Furious Over The New Uniforms Being Worn By Women’s Olympic Beach Volleyball Players

Canada and Paraguay women's beach volleyball players at the net.Beach volleyball players (Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images)
Controversy is swirling over women’s beach volleyball at the Olympics, and it has nothing to do with the actual competition.

The best Olympic uniforms for the Summer 2024 games include kits from Ralph Lauren, Puma, J. Lindeberg, Lululemon, and many more.

When the ladies hit the sand for some stiff competition in volleyball, they were doing so in some new threads.

Match after match showed that the days of traditional skimpy bikinis were over, as players were rocking supportive athletic gear, such as sports bras and yoga pants.

The new threads eliminated the likelihood of a wardrobe malfunction or camera angles having women with their butts hanging out of their bottoms as they jumped around in the sand for some competitive volleyball.

A lot of people praised this new look: