Cardi B alleges that her face was manipulated in a viral photo from the Balenciaga Fashion Show, refuting comparisons to Lil’ Kim’s facial features. The Bronx rapper addressed the controversy on X (formerly Twitter) on December 3, asserting that someone had Photoshopped her face in the image where she is seen donning a long blue fur coat on the runway. Fans had raised concerns about the apparent alteration, particularly noticing a compressed appearance in Cardi’s nose, leading to comparisons with Lil’ Kim.
In response to the fan-generated side-by-side images, Cardi dismissed the claims in a now-deleted tweet, attributing the distortion to Photoshop and emphasizing that haters resort to such edits when faced with her success. Actual photos from the Balenciaga Fashion Show, where Cardi B made her runway debut on December 2 in Los Angeles, depict her with a normal-looking nose.
This incident isn’t the first time Cardi B’s likeness has been manipulated on social media. In a previous instance, an ad by USA Wellness Wave employed artificial intelligence to replicate Cardi’s voice for a stimulus payment program, prompting the rapper to threaten legal action against the company. Cardi expressed her discontent with the use of AI, anticipating another lawsuit and emphasizing her resolve to protect both her image and voice.
In conclusion, Cardi B remains vigilant against unwarranted alterations and emphasizes her commitment to legal action when her image or voice is exploited without consent.
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