Brooklyn rap group MOP once said, “Ante Up!” Rapper-singer Chris Brown is possibly going to do that as soon as 2025 nears. He’s now facing millions of dollars in lawsuits with the possibility of more coming.
Believe it or not, the Los Angeles-transplant is reportedly having to pay out $2-million dollars for trying to ‘run it’ far away from a Popeye’s Chicken restaurant loan. The woman’s heart throb made bad investment decisions to get entangled with two fowl dealing restaurant locations that ended up ‘frying’ his pockets.
He didn’t come up with the feather-brained scheme however, it appears more so that Brown is on the hook for Popeye’s loans because he is the guarantor on the financial paperwork.
Chris Brown ‘Fried’ Over PopEye’s Chicken Restaurant Loans
The “residuals” from business that the singer in many young chicks heart, have not been trending upward. Fried chicken sales have been closer to an ‘egg’ instead. And though his braggadocious rapper is known for clucking about his multi-million-dollar bank accounts, perhaps this restaurant loan failure is starting to show Brown’s short on green.
The $2-million-dollar fee comes after racking up years of debts from being sued for various victims of Chris’ careless behavior.
Losing Millions of Dollars from Assaulting Fans
Brown is currently the subject of a $50M lawsuit from a loyal fan he & his entourage assaulted in Texas.
And it’s unclear if he had to pay a civilian he hit in his luxury sports car [HAR]; but Brown did warn in song ‘AYO,’ his cars are too fast to give a f–k about pedestrian and perhaps he had No Guidance in learning to drive as his tour schedule’s been busy since an early teen.
But if that wasn’t enough, Brown is currently in the news because of two ‘stolen songs’ accusations. The two claims mark the 11th time Brown has been caught using music from other, smaller artists without authorization nor giving credits.
Shockingly, one of those 11 claims is from mega-star DJ Calvin Harris. Brown took elements from one of his pre-fame songs to make “Yeah 3X,” something now confirmed by both parties.
Pills & Automobiles Chorus Stolen from “Wet” song
Also, a rising talent named ‘Sqoob’ took Brown to court over stealing the chorus [and concept] to his buzzing single, “Wet,’ which is now known to the masses as a CB song — “Pills and Automobiles.’
After 2 failed dismissal attempts, a California judge forced Chris Brown to show up in court to answer allegations and prove how he came up with the identical chorus; especially because Sqoob could prove that the artist ‘Beep Beep,’ whom he featured on the original song ‘Wet,’ is a known collaborator & associate of Chris Brown.
Chris Brown and Sony music settled the lawsuit out of court, with rumors that they paid the singer ‘Sqoob’ aka Brandon Saunders, millions of dollars in hush money with an NDA signed to seal the deal.
‘AYO’ chorus & song concept stolen from rapper with Millions of YouTube views
Of the new claims, Brown’s 8x-platinum song “AYO” faces similar allegations of borrowing elements of a viral YouTuber’s identically titled single.
A viral YouTube rap artist of the past named C.KHiD, who’s song “Yeah Yeah” amassed 3.1-million views, points out how Chris Brown stole the chorus of his ‘AYO’ single, as he did with “Wet” by Sqoob.
C.KHiD released an original song in late 2013, while the “Wall to Wall” singer released his song with a similar chorus arrangement & hook-catchphrase in 2015.
The South Carolina rapper kept quiet on the matter for years however, silently investigating and searching for an undeniable answer to how the RIAA’s top-rated R&B singer got his song.
Though C.KHiD recorded music in top music studios like Quad/Premier in New York City and Tree Sounds in Atlanta, having a direct link was important to him before making such an accusation.
C.KHiD said in a new interview, he discovered Kevin McCall, a known song-writer of Chris Brown, was a spy in the studio with the producer of his 2013 song unbeknownst to him. And today, he has actual proof of the matter, confirming his earlier premonitions.
The producer, named Ross Beats or Ross McPhereson, was a college student and fan of C.KHiD during his stint of viral dominance on YouTube. And he went to Washington State University, alongside Kevin McCall, unaware of the songwriter’s ties to Chris Brown.
Claims state McCall allegedly asked McPherson to listen to C.KHiD’s yet released music and for details on his social media, including a link to his YouTube. McCall would leave the University after this event to work with Chris Brown on his next albums. One of these albums included “AYO.”
Chris Brown’s 2015 version with the same title, went 8x platinum and features the rapper Tyga. It generated ten-of-millions of dollars for Brown, Tyga, Record labels, and Concert venues.
Other Identically titled singles
Unsurprisingly, Brown may have also used C.KHiD for inspiration to at least two other songs. The Carolina emcee says Brown also had 2 other nearly-identically titled song titles in that same time frame, which he does not believe to be coincidence.
Kevin McCall is actually credited in the songwriting of one of those songs, “Yeah 3X.”
With Brown already admitting to having stolen part of the song from DJ Calvin Harris, the elements of the chorus had to come from somewhere else — why not C.KHiD’s hit song ‘Yeah Yeah’ with 3.1-million views? The song title just added 1 more Yeah, by coincidence perhaps?
And these claims are only a few of the 10 that Chris Brown has racked up in recent years.
And there are many other songs Chris Brown has been accused of stealing from lesser known artists, that he could be forced to do so with. Some of his biggest songs are among the (at least) 11 known claims per Top40-charts.com:
Til’ The Wheels Fall Off ( chorus allegedly stolen )
Pills and Automobiles ( chorus confirmed stolen )
Let’s Go – Will I Am ft. Chris Brown ( music allegedly stolen )
Yeah 3X ( chorus allegedly stolen, music confirmed stolen)
Wobble Up – Chris Brown ft. Nicki Minaj & G Eazy (artwork used in music video)
Privacy – Chris Brown ( chorus allegedly stolen )
No Guidance ( chorus allegedly stolen )
Snapbacks – Tyga feat Chris Brown ( chorus allegedly stolen )
Don’t Wake Me up – Chris Brown ( chorus allegedly stolen )
And there are possibly several more allegations yet to be filed. But this isn’t the end of Brown’s misdoings.
Who’s Worse? Chris Brown vs Diddy
Some question how the “11:11” singer has been allowed to flourish in Hollywood and global Pop culture with so many negative extensions of his character. Afterall, with Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs in jail right now, for what was officially cited as Baby Oil, a video of him pulling singer Cassie Ventura’s hair, and giving her a single ‘soft’ kick on the floor. The results of his attack are seen in a photo from less than 48 hours later, 3 small bruises hidden back makeup.
It would seem Chris Brown should be under jail by comparison. His vicious assault on Rihanna left a soul-scathing photo of how morally bankrupt the pop-singer’s character is.
Rihanna’s photo after the Chris Brown attack compared to Cassie Ventura after Didday’s attack, makes it clear that his physical abuse was far worse. He violently attacked the Billionaire music artist in Grammy week 2009, with no remorse or pity for the young woman & bigger star.
If Sean Diddy Combs is in jail in 2024 facing a life sentence, why is Chris Brown still dancing on stages worldwide? Especially as he’s had numerous confirmed cases of physical assault against civilians across the US surface since.
As far as music, Diddy may have ‘underpaid’ artists per what they thought they were worth, but he did business with them at least; a choice was made by every individual to sign an optional contract.
Chris Brown on the other hand is simply stealing people’s music and art, without giving credit nor compensation. The only artist he’s given credit to is the single UK musician who became a bigger star — DJ Calvin Harris.
And even when it comes to stats of rape & sexual assault allegations, before the Time Warner media outlets began focused on Diddy, the Los-Angeles singer averaged nearly 1 rape allegation per 2 years since 2017. There’s even a new documentary highlighting his abuse of women.
In every case, Chris Brown has denied wrong doings and many within the Hollywood industry continue to support him.
Kanye West once spoke out against the singer for his abuse of women, calling the news of what he did to Rihanna “Devastating” and emphasized how now woman deserves such abuse, whether famous or not.
Cassie Venutra, who has been in the spotlight for a $35-million-dollar case against Sean Diddy Combs over abuse, even did a song with Chris Brown after he attacked Rihanna. As recently as 1-year ago, she agreed to be the feature in his music video “Psychic.”
As the charges mount, Hollywood continues to support Brown’s wrongdoings regardless of the image they themselves have portrayed in the media eye.
However, if the R&B-Pop singer and dancer continues crashing out at this rate, his money will run dry.
He may not have the clean history in music nor personal to compete with Michael Jackson, but Brown may end up in one similar situation — broke, doing concerts like the recent show in South Africa, trying to stay afloat financially.
Keep in mind, these are markets the singer once turned away from.
However, if a ‘straw’ breaks the camel’s back in terms of his reputation, and people open their eyes a bit wider to his wrong doings, the opportunities may be cancelled before he can earn enough money to fix his past.
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