Elon Musk has asked J.K. Rowling to stop posting her views about transgenderism on X, suggesting the “Harry Potter” author instead focus on creating “interesting and positive” content on the social platform he owns.

“While I heartily agree with your points regarding sex/gender, may I suggest also posting interesting and positive content on other matters?” the billionaire, 52, wrote on X on Saturday in response to a nearly month-old post by fellow billionaire Rowling in which she offered up her definition of a woman.

Rowling, 58, has long been vilified by trans rights activists for her views on sex and gender, which she frequently shares on the platform, placing herself on the receiving end of both boycotts and death threats over the years.
Elon Musk in a tuxedo at a red carpet event.Elon Musk said he “heartily” agrees with JK Rowling’s controversial points about “sex/gender” but still thinks she should post more “interesting and positive” content on his platform X.Getty Images
But the world-famous author has steadfastly stood her ground, frequently sparring with detractors on the platform who have labeled her a “TERF,” or trans-exclusionary radical feminist, and even trolling activists over their use of gender-neutral language, which Rowling says she believes constitutes erasure of biological women.

Musk’s ask is particularly puzzling given the multi-billionaire’s own history of questionable tweets about trans-related issues.

In July 2020, the Tesla CEO famously tweeted “Pronouns suck,” and later that year doubled-down with a post that read, “I absolutely support trans, but all these pronouns are an esthetic nightmare.”

Last year, the polarizing magnate also made waves by declaring the terms “cis” and “cisgender” — terms used among trans activists to define a non-trans person — were considered “slurs” on the platform.

Musk’s friendly suggestion to the “Harry Potter” creator, which has been viewed more than 1.5 million times, drew a mix of responses that appeared to skew negative.

“Have you been hacked Elon?” one user asked in mock disbelief.
J.K. RowlingRowling has long been vilified by trans rights activists for her views on sex and gender.PA Images via Getty Images
Another person took a sarcastic swipe at Musk-owned SpaceX, writing, “Personally I think she should ditch women’s rights and spend her fortune sending a giant phallus into space like a decent billionaire would, right Elon?”

Others turned Musk’s request on its head to chide him over his custodianship of the platform, which he purchased for $44 billion in October 2022.

“While I heartily agree with your points regarding ‘free speech’ and how it is paramount, may I suggest also fixing the algorithm, impressions, bots, shadowbanning, censorship, suspensions etc. that are still taking place on this platform?” a user said.

Rowling has yet to respond to Musk’s post.