After years of public scrutiny and constant comparisons to her previous relationship with Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez has finally addressed the issue. In a recent interview, the singer and actress opened up about how tired she is of being constantly compared to Justin’s life and choices, especially as they’ve both grown up and moved in different directions.

Selena emphasized that she’s focused on her own journey, building a fulfilling career, and prioritizing her mental health. “I’m tired of being tied to other people’s stories,” she said. “I’ve worked hard to carve my own path and be independent.” Despite the constant media comparisons, Gomez wants her accomplishments and personal growth to be seen independent of her past.

Her message is clear. Selena is proud of who she’s become and is ready to be recognized for her individuality. No longer defined by her past relationship, she’s urging fans and the media to stop linking her to Justin Bieber’s life. “We’re different people with different stories,” she added, reaffirming that they both deserve to be celebrated for their unique contributions without being constantly linked to the past.