Tennessee Titans sales exec Mary Kate Wichalonis (Photo via marykatewichalonis/IG)
Mary-Kate Wichalonis, a relatively new Tennessee Titans hire, has made a significant career decision following her arrest earlier this month.
Wichalonis was taken into police custody after an altercation with a security guard following an attempt to sneak her boyfriend into a bar without his ID. She could have gotten away with a citation but refused to let herself get fingerprinted, so the cops charged her instead.
Now, she’s going to have to give up her “dream job.”
The Tennessee Titans sales executive has told OutKick she is resigning from her post with the team five months removed from her appointment.
“I’m honestly devastated about all of this,” she said. “What happened was truly not my character at all. I do appreciate the article you guys put out, it was probably the only positive one.”
Mary-Kate Wichalonis Has No Idea What’s Next For Her After Losing Her “Dream Job” As An Exec For The Tennessee Titans
Mary-Kate celebrated landing the job of her dreams with the Titans earlier this year but lost it after one bad decision that spiraled into several more.
She had her mugshot taken, and once Scoop Nashville got their hands on it, things got out of control, as reports came in everywhere.
She told the publication she has no idea what’s next but plans to look for a job in Nashville or Atlanta, as she hails from the latter.
“I have my lease here in Nashville, so as of right now I’m staying and looking for a job either here or back at home in Atlanta with a lesson learned,” she said.
A sad situation indeed, but the lesson could prove to be a valuable one later on.
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