Justin Bieber wanted to improve his karma: He gave water and sweets to the homeless

Justin Bieber se staral o bezdomovce.

That after breaking up with singer Selena Gomez (25), he would have a guilty conscience and want to improve his karma? Singer Justin Bieber (24) gave small gifts to the homeless on the street and sat with them on the sidewalk.

Well this? When singer Justin Bieber was walking the streets of Los Angeles from the gym, he was drawn to homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk. A good heart rose in him and he decided not to overlook them and make them a little happy.

He brought them bottles of water and some sweets to cheer them up and start chatting with them. In the end, it ended with him sitting on the sidewalk with them and experiencing for a while what it was like to lie on hot concrete. After they agreed, he waved goodbye and left.