While talking about the viral drama around “Sephora tweens” with Bustle on Friday, the reality star shared that while she let her eldest daughter North West experiment with makeup at a young age, she regrets letting her do it too early in life! So, with her 6-year-old daughter Chicago, she doesn’t allow her to wear makeup too often at this point. Kim explained more about why that is:
“My littlest one’s too little and I don’t let her. I look back and there’s times when I remember I let my daughter wear a red lip once for Christmas. Would I do that now? Probably not.”
For those who don’t know, the SKKN creator referred to 2018 when a then-5-year-old North had bright red lipstick on at the Kardashian-Jenner family’s annual Christmas Eve party. See (below):
At the time, she got dragged for letting North wear lipstick! And now, well, we guess she heard those mom-shamers loud and clear!! While North loves makeup, Kim insists she is not at the level of a Sephora tween, where she is purchasing expensive skincare and makeup:
“At least with my oldest daughter, she just likes to dress her friends up and do makeup looks, whether it’s like Pikachu or the Grinch. I don’t think she’s there yet to where she is going into Sephora and trying on stuff. We were at Saks in the makeup department the other night and she tested something but put a heart on her face with it. I’m like, I don’t think that’s really why you use eyeliner.”
Kim also really isn’t ready for her girls to wear makeup out in public. However, she doesn’t mind them putting it on at home as a way to create art and have fun! Kim explained:
“They are always trying to use everything that I have in my drawers. I think it’s a fun game for them. It’s art for them to try to do makeup, which is so fun for me to watch. It’s like they want to play with their friends and do it, and then they want to just wash it right off. I’m down for the artistry. I think it’s fun when they’re trying it all and expressing themselves.”
Well that certainly seems more sensible in some ways, doesn’t it?
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