Kris Jenner, the renowned matriarch of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, has revealed that she simply can’t afford to spend one-on-one time with all 13 of her grandkids. Despite being named L.A. Woman of the Year, the 68-year-old dynamo admits that taking each grandchild out to dinner even once a month would break the bank. Jenner shared a humorous anecdote about taking her daughter Kourtney Kardashian’s eldest son, Mason, out for sushi and promising him a car if he refrains from drinking and doing drugs before he turns 16. With grandchildren ranging from newborn to 14 years old, Jenner joked that making this promise to each grandchild would leave her “going broke.” Despite the financial limitations, Jenner still finds ways to celebrate and bond with her growing brood, making cherished memories with her grandchildren.
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