As Justin sat, visibly stressed, with his knees pulled up to his chin, he found himself alone, save for the dual presence of a black vape and cigarette clutched in his hands.

Justin Bieber looks stressed as he's caught smoking while alone on NYC sidewalk in bizarre new pics without wife Hailey | The Sun

His wife, Haley Bieber, was conspicuously absent, leaving him to wander the streets in solitude. Speculation about their relationship had reached a fever pitch, particularly after Haley showcased her stunning $500,000 engagement ring in a recent video. Rumors swirled about the state of their marriage, fueled further by Haley’s social media activity, which notably lacked any appearances by her musician husband.

Justin Bieber looks stressed as he's caught smoking while alone on NYC sidewalk in bizarre new pics without wife Hailey | The Sun

However, Haley put these rumors to rest with a simple gesture — featuring her engagement ring prominently in a makeup tutorial video shared on Instagram. In the video, she guided her followers through the steps of achieving a radiant summer glow, all the while ensuring her left hand, adorned with her wedding band and the extravagant oval-cut diamond engagement ring, remained in clear view. This deliberate display seemed to reaffirm her commitment to Justin, squashing doubts and rumors in one fell swoop.

Yet, concerns persisted among fans, particularly when Haley’s Instagram feed featured posts without Justin. Observers questioned the absence of her husband in various snapshots, prompting speculation about the state of their relationship. However, Haley’s recent post, which depicted herself, Justin, and their friends together, served as a reassuring counterpoint to these doubts.

In the end, Haley’s actions spoke louder than any rumor or speculation, reaffirming the strength of her bond with Justin and putting to rest any doubts about the status of their marriage.

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