On Wednesday, the 31-year-old rapper revealed to fans on Instagram Live she thinks she’s “too skinny” now after suffering from a nasty stomach bug that left her unable to keep any food down for more than a week. That’s rough! Cardi explained she lost seven pounds while sick, weighing around 130 now instead of her preferred 137 pounds. And that won’t fly with the WAP artist! In fact, she’s so concerned about it that she refuses to go out until she gains weight:
“Until I gain weight back, I’m not going out because I do not like how my body looks. No s**t, I look too f**king skinny. I don’t like it. Like when I look too skinny, I don’t feel like pants look good on me or skirts or small little dresses look good on me.”
As for how she plans to add on the pounds? Cardi has a step-by-step plan — and it’s NSFW! She said:
“I need to eat and I need some d**k.”
OMG! What?! The Grammy winner insisted “d**k helps you gain weight,” explaining:
“I don’t know, it’s just science, you know what I’m saying? It’s some f**king science s**t.”
We don’t know about that, Cardi! If anything, getting down and dirty in any way would help burn some calories and lose weight — not add it on! Just ask Kate Hudson! LOLz! But you do you, girl! Get it! Watch a clip from the Live (below):
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