Seducer Justin Bieber in Prague: He picked up 6 girls in a bar and took them to a hotel!

Justin Bieber found six girls in Prague clubs, whom he took to a hotel.

After a two-hour concert in the sold-out O2 arena, pop singer Justin Bieber (22) still couldn’t get enough. Straight from the lobby, he set off with the security guard to the center of Prague to look for a club where he could get steamy and, it seems, to find some girl to take with him to the hotel.

As soon as Justin Bieber said goodbye to his Czech fans after his spectacular concert, he got into his car and, accompanied by a police escort and his bodyguards, set out to find a club.

“Justin wants to enjoy Prague at night today and is looking for a club where he would like it and where he could get steamy,” a member of Bieber’s security told Before they got to the paradise of clubs not far from the Old Town Square, they wandered around Prague quite a bit. They also committed many traffic violations, including entering the opposite direction or prohibition.

In the end, they parked in front of the famous James Dean, but the local security didn’t want to let him go there. She didn’t believe it was the real Justin Bieber. After a bit of proving, they let him in, but the singer didn’t like it there and left the club.

He then went to another bar a short distance from Národní trády. At that time, he already had several young girls with him in the second car, with whom he went to steam. Laughing girls (probably Czech) followed their idol, who flirted with them with a smile. They then stayed at the club for about 30 minutes.

So the ladies jumped into the car again one by one, Justin got into his car and they all went back to the hotel around two in the morning. So the singer enjoyed a private party with six selected girls he picked up in Prague bars.

In addition, Justin liked Prague so much that he canceled his departure at 1 pm at the last minute. He is scheduled to perform a concert in Hamburg, Germany, on Monday evening.