Shockiпg News: Clay Travis Believes WNBA Players Are Discrimiпatiпg Agaiпst Caitliп Clark Becaυse She Plays Iп A “Black Lesbiaп Leagυe”
The former iowa star is being put through a test of fire in her first season and has endured some very rough treatment, having taken a number of hard fouls and cheap shots from her fellow WNBA players over the span of her first few games. While many reckon there’s a race bias where Clark and the league are concerned, T
ravis doesn’t believe that’s all there is to it. It’s not just race though, it’s also sexuality,” he said. “Caitlin Clark is a white heterosexual woman in a Black lesbian league and they resent and are jealous of all of the attention and the shoe deal that she got. And instead of recognizing the truth, which is great athletes who people care about coming into your league really do get everybody more mоnеу.”
Travis went on to state that well over half of the women in the WNBA are lesbian. “70% lesbian,” he declared. “And I think her having a boyfriend, who by the way said there needs to be an enforcer, creates two different identity politics universes that she doesn’t fit in in this league.
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